Hamilton Park
Offers a different and unique lifestyle
Welcome to Hamilton Park, A great place to live!
Hamilton Park is a rural setting with neighbors nearby. It is a wonderful place for keen gardeners and the local garden club meets monthly.
Click this link to view the Hamilton Park Brochure. This is a copy of a booklet that every new Hamilton Park resident receives when they move here.
About Hamilton Park
Hamilton Park and Grants Estate is zoned Low Density Residential (LDRZ), we are not zoned rural.
We are in a bushfire overlay which ensures that the development of land prioritises the protection of human life and strengthens community resilience to bushfire.
Hamilton Park is a housing estate located 12 km south of Wangaratta and 4 km north of Glenrowan.
There are 104 houses situated on residential blocks of about 0.4 hectares (4000 sqm) each. Hamilton Park’s total size is 80 hectares (800,000 sqm) of land located at the foot of the Warby Range. It comprises of 9 roads bordered by Warby Ranges Road, Wirrinya Ave and Orchard Drive.
- Hamilton Park Co-operative Limited is managed by the Hamilton Park Board of Management.
- Every resident is a shareholder of the Co-operative and holds 200 $1 shares and accordingly is entitled to be connected to the Park reticulated garden water scheme as well as other benefits of living in Hamilton Park.
- $100 transfer fee for shares, paid by the purchaser.
- The Shareholders elect the Board of Management annually.
- The Board levies annual water rates on the shareholders for the supply of garden water as well as an annual maintenance fee for the upkeep of the road maintenance, the parklands and recreation infrastructure.
- The shareholders collectively own the three (3) water storage dams, the reticulated water supply system, the private sealed roads, the 20 hectares (200,000 M2) of parklands, the recreation facilities and the equipment required to maintain all of the above.
- The main source of drinking water is private water tanks.
- The parklands include well used walking tracks, grasslands, woodlands and an arboretum.
- The recreation infrastructure includes: BBQ area, Pizza Oven, undercover entertainment area, public toilets, shed with equipment for maintaining our water supply ad parklands.
- Hamilton Park is part of the Rural City of Wangaratta (RCoW) and is fully rated by the council.
- Hamilton Park shareholders and in turn their Board of Management are financially responsible for the roads, the garden water supply, the parklands and the recreation facilities.
- All blocks are supplied with underground power and telephone.
- There is wireless NBN available.
If you have any questions please contact any of the Board, we would be pleased to answer any queries.
School buses travel daily past Hamilton Park via Warby Range Road. Conveniently picking up and dropping off Primary and Secondary school children to both Wangaratta and Glenrowan schools.
Rubbish is collected weekly on Monday morning and recyclables fortnightly, you can find out which bin this week by visiting Rural City of Wangaratta website.
Mail is delivered each week day.
Delivery can be arranged for milk and newspapers.
Telephone and fixed wireless NBN is available within Hamilton Park and all electricity and telephone lines are underground.
New Residents
New residents will receive a welcome pack which consists of the following:
- Hamilton Park Brochure
- Co-op rules
- Minutes of the last AGM
- Latest Newsletter
- Survey to complete
- Postcard about our website & Community Facebook Page
- Maps of the Area
- AEC enrol to vote / update your details
- Volunteer Skillsbank and Course Guide
- New residents guide from Wangaratta Council
- Application to Register Domestic Animals
- Information about Warby-Ovens National Park
- Local Attractions such as Wineries, landcare group, Murray to Mountains
- Wangaratta Community & Business Directory
- All in a wonderful Boomerang Bag.
If you have not received one of these and you would like to please contact Doreen at conveyancing@hamiltonpark.org.au.

Hamilton Park Pruning Pile 2023
The pruning pile will be open this year from Saturday April 29 until Sunday August 27. Operating hours 9.00 am Saturdays until 4.30 pm Sundays. This facility is for the residents of Hamilton Park and Grants Estate only. No metal or masonry objects are to be dumped....
Population of local towns
Boorhaman | 126 |
Greta | 251 |
Cheshunt | 256 |
Markwood | 263 |
Hamilton Park | 276 |
Eldorado | 287 |
Peechelba | 345 |
Whitfield | 421 |
Tarrawingee | 484 |
Whorouly | 519 |
Moyhu | 536 |
Milawa | 592 |
Oxley | 594 |
Glenrowan | 963 (or 687 excl. Hamilton Park) |

If you would like a Welcome Pack please email marketing@hamiltonpark.org.au with your address and we can pop one around.