Australasian Darter

female Australasian Darter

Here’s one of a series of  photos Jan has taken of a female Australasian Darter who has been inhabiting the top dam for about 5 weeks now.

Jan calls her Dolly Darter and she is pretty sure she is same Darter who was here at Ham Park about same time, same place last year.

Jan also has met a few people on her morning bird walks recently who have been quite interested in birds.  You can download her bird (& wildlife) list that Jan has been using here for past 20 years. It is roughly based on a Birds Australia bird list of what  has been seen in this area. It is constantly updating it. For example, last week she saw Hamilton Park’s first Whistling Kites at bottom dam and they weren’t on list.

Download the Bird watching list. It includes birds and animals found in Hamilton Park.

PHOTO: Jan Osmotherly


Posted on

July 15, 2018