Parks and Nature
Explore Hamilton Park
The park lands with their extensive walking tracks provide great opportunities for birdwatchers with 144 species of bird have so far been recorded within Hamilton Park- which is very high diversity and represents about 1/5th of all Australian species. List and further species information here:
A real joy are the myriad local wildflowers that can be seen in season and they contrast beautifully with wonderful and sometimes exotic floral displays from home gardens.
The Common Land consists of remnant bushland (50%), native grasslands (35%) and grassy parkland (15%). The largest area of remnant bushland found within the Common Land of Hamilton Park has special significance nationally because it is part of the Box-Gum Grassy Woodland broad vegetation type which has a national conservation status of critically endangered.
Your Pets are welcome
Pets In Our Park Pets are governed by Wangaratta Council’s Domestic Animal management Plan under section 68A of Domestic (Feral and Nuisance) Animal Act 1994.
In brief this applies to the management of your pets, we ask that when walking your dog in public places it must be under effective control at all times. Also cats are to be confined at night, as this will minimise the risk to wildlife and also disputes with neighbors.
If you have any disputes with your neighbour’s pets, talk to your neighnour in the first instance and if that fails, contact the appropriate council officer.