Attention – Residents of Warby Range Rd, Wirrinya Ave, Mistletoe La, and Kurrajong La.

The Board has applied for Burning Permits to the Rural City of Wangaratta to enable the Glenrowan CFA to burn the following –

  1.  The Frank Wellmann Middle Dam cumbungi grass probably on Saturday June 9 plus
  2.  The Arboretum Bushland area on the west side of the Mistletoe Avenue residences. This will be a ‘cool burn’.  This will occur probably on a Saturday or over a number of Saturdays in at least 2- 3 week’s time.

 Reasons for this burn off

  1.  We are implementing the Hamilton Park Land Management Plan which was agreed to by the Board and residents at an Special General Meeting in 2014 and
  2.  The Board together with our Glenrowan CFA is attempting to reduce the fire hazard areas of our Common Lands.

 Reasons for this Notice

We are concerned that there may be considerable smoke and

  1. are obligated to give those with any respiratory or other relevant health conditions sufficient notice plus
  2. to reduce any worries from residents as to what will actually be occurring.